Friday, August 23, 2013

Intrapreneur; the creative Change Agent

Not everyone wants to start their own company. But creative, innovative change agents are everywhere, hungry and passionate about what they do, happy to wear multiple hats and dream big about their day jobs.
During a conversation I had recently about mentorship programs the term “Intrapreneur” was discussed. It’s not a new word, apparently the term Intrapreneur was first coined in 1982.  But I do love it, such an aspirational notion!

Meet the Intrapreneur...those self-educating, self-motivators who are willing to take risks, set goals and challenge their peers and superiors to think and act differently, for the good of a company that is not their own. 

Those inventors and departmental protagonists who think about solving problems or creating new revenue streams in the car on the way home, over dinner, in the shower.

During the course of their careers, these characters are from time to time asked “Why don’t you start something up on your own?” 

Mitigating risk and maintaining stability are both valid reasons why most don’t go it alone. And that’s okay, the world needs Intrapreneurs!

It’s worth investing some time into finding out more about this character profile, to either better understand yourself (if you are one) or better understand how to manage, grow and inspire them (if you have one working for you).

Are you an Intrapreneur? If you’re the business owner, do you have one working for you?

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